
The country in a state of lockdown, every business locked up, and traveling at a halt, most people worried about what is next! Covid-19 pandemic put many challenges on all the workforce sectors. However, people wait no longer for the hard times to end. When the curtain of business falls, there should be a way to open the other way round. Eventually, the brainpower of humans introduces creative and innovative solutions for businesses to keep going. In fact, innovations generate new opportunities for budding businesses and existing ones for revenue recovery. Here are takeaway points for how to host local businesses on online portals to boost revenue.

How can Local Businesses Grow their Revenue?

Local Businesses are those companies that offer services or goods to the local population. They are either locally owned businesses or run by a corporate business having several locations operating in a specific area. 

The ongoing Covid-19 crisis, however, disrupted every single business. Nevertheless, it has led to the popularity of online listings and digital marketing. Moreover, online strategy has changed the game for every business, especially the local business. This solution provides ample avenues offering greater visibility and traffic for the business. Despite the game change, some local businesses faced a critical phase. Growing foot traffic and competing with larger organizations and chains are the challenges. The reason is that they may not have a web presence or eCommerce platforms.

Most customers during the pandemic end up on online shopping or browsing through servicing apps to purchase anything. People spend most of their time on their phones as they have no option to go out and explore. Hence, shopping apps or service apps are the only options to invest their free time. Moreover, small or local businesses can find their perk in increasing their visibility online and traffic. 

The Advantage of Local Business Listing 

The online shopping performance spikes up to 86% of online shoppers since the pandemic (source: businessinsider). During this unprecedented time, the adoption of online listing became a quick solution for all types of businesses. It gives them back the opportunity to regain their revenue and growth making them back into the field. 

If you are owning a brand new business, forget about the whole package of building your business website or app. It comes with a cost and time-consuming might slow down your business growth and revenue. Hence, your business should stay competitive, lightweight, and firm while keeping up with other larger organizations or businesses. Business listing has a lot of advantages, and these are why:


One of the ways to get away from costing so much money for your business is online listing. To be precise, dvertising and marketing cover the maximum budget that often small businesses find difficult. Furthermore, boosting brand awareness, or visibility surge demands a high amount of money too. On the other hand, a local listing provides answers to the aforementioned issues. Multiple site directories allow your business to list for free. Besides, it will increase local search results from users, high-quality brand exposure, and generate income.  

Increased Visibility

One of the many other benefits of a local listing is online visibility. There are great sites to list your service for free. As a result, your business information will be visible to all the sites you have listed. They however not only bring visibility but traffic to your business location or website if you have one. This may help your potential customer to find and use your business.

Improve Organic SEO

The increased number of online business directories refashioned the landscape of local SEO. It helps to have consistent and precise online information or data that is vital for local businesses. A better solution is assured when you list your business in many directories. The more you cite your business, and add quality links to your website, it will boost your ranking in the search options and results. Eventually, search engines will show your business as a legitimate and credible result. 

Liamtra and Local Businesses

Liamtra is a multi-stop platform providing a solution with ‘Something for Everyone’. It gives opportunities for local business owners to invest their interests with little or no earnings. In addition, the platform offers philanthropy of service through travel, accommodations, and various other activities. It also entitles to share its unique approach with business owners across the country or beyond. Concerning providing veritable services, Liamtra reaches out to every field of services in one single platform. In fact, Liamtra believes in the power of imagination to design and create a future in abundance with Something for Everyone!

How To Earn Through Liamtra?

Liamtra is a beneficial platform adherently transforming every Local business or the host who registered in its platform. Every step of utilizing it is not a waste of time but an investment for the entire life. Liamtra believes that every individual can become an entrepreneur of their own. 

Service Listing

Either you own a little extra of something and did not know what to do, Liamtra has a solution for you. For instance, if you have a spare room in your house, you could use it as a unique home for guests. Having an extra car can be used as a taxi to earn a good amount of money. If you are a skilled entrepreneur, Liamtra is the right platform to list your service for free. What you need to do is register and list the details of your service. In this way, you earn a lot of traffic, visibility, and investment.

List your Services such as:

  • Unique Homes

Liamtra’s Unique Homes proffer distinctive strategies for any individual interested in servicing. Your spare room at home can be rented out for accommodation and become one of Liamtra’s hosts. Liamtra curatively encourages townlet communities to harness the opportunity to become a host in their own homes to any travelers. 

  • Tours

Liamtra tours provide all kinds of travel junkies for your ultimate traveling experiences. From luxurious to budget packages, Liamtra seamlessly allows a traveler to pick their finest travel choice. 

  • Taxis

Liamtra introduces a wide range of taxi services catered for your utmost transport convenience. 

  • Give&Given

Give&Given is one of the essential components of Liamtra. It provides an opportunity to people running small-scale services from the comfort of their homes or at a place or location. 

Liam Coin

Liamtra has a unique earning method in which a registered user specified as Liamtrian can earn bit currency called Liam Coins in his Liamtra wallet. Liamtrian can either avail or add Liam Coins in his wallet. The first earnings start at the time of registration. Henceforth, Liam Coins are earned at ease by referring your User Code (Provided after successfully registered) to your friends. The refer and earn process is powered by blockchain technology. Hence, a particular Liamtrian should manage his chainage process under his code umbrella. 

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